Neighborhood Nursing Care
Neighborhood Nursing Care in Redwood City, California was first established in August of 2002. Neighborhood Nursing Care is licensed with the State of California as a Home Health Agency to provide Skilled Nursing, Home Health Aides and Occupational Therapy in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. Neighborhood Nursing Care is also vendorized with Golden Gate and San Andreas Regional Center to provide in-home respite care and skilled nursing in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.
Lucy Brock, the owner/administrator of Neighborhood Nursing Care, a California corporation, first began her relationship with the Regional Centers in 1991 when she acquired vendorization for in-home respite workers through another agency. Many families were serviced through this agency at both in-home respite and skilled nursing levels under the direct management and supervision of Lucy, then as administrator. In 1994, her own daughter, 11 years old at the time, was discovered to have a genetic disorder after experiencing a grandmal seizure. This created new insights for Lucy into the needs of families of developmental disabled children who are struggling with so many issues. Servicing these famlies became much more personal. Being able to help by finding the "right" workers for families was and is very important.
Lucy Brock and Neighborhood Nursing Care continue to service regional center families with dedication to providing quality workers at both in-home respite caregiver and skilled nursing levels allowing the family to feel confident that appropriate care and supervision is given.
Neighborhood Nursing Care has a team of professional and caring people waiting to serve you and your family.
How to Receive Services:
Neighborhood Nursing Care is just a phone call away. Our experienced Registered Nurses are here to help you. Should you require skilled nursing services, our nurse will make a visit within 24 hours to provide an assessment and develop your plan of treatment.
Payment / Insurance
Neighborhood Nursing Care is licensed and certified for reimbursement for qualified services from Medi-cal, and other public payers as well as private insurance.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Neighborhood Nursing Care endorses the policy that no person shall, on the grounds of race, age, handicaps, color, sex, religion or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of this agency. |